University of Oregon

Create a 110 Bookmark Folder

Create a 110 bookmark folder on your Chrome Toolbar as follows:

  1. In the upper right corner of the browser toolbar, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu.
  2. Click Bookmarks > Bookmark Manager.
  3. On the left side of the page, click the Folders drop-down arrow.
  4. Click Add Folder, then name your folder.
  5. Drag any bookmarks into your folder. Shift-click to pick more than one item.

Bookmark these sites

Add these bookmarks to the 110 bookmarks folder:

  1. 110 Schedule Page
  2. Emmet Cheat Sheet. Emmet is a Atom package that allows you to type abbreviations that are expanded to HTML/CSS code.
  3. Grade Calculator

Optional Bookmarks (not required)

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