University of Oregon

403 Permission Error


⟹ You’ve definitely uploaded a web page and the image files it uses to the server.

⟹ When you view the web page on the server in Chrome, the web page shows broken image icons, rather than the images.


1. Open the DevTools Console in Chrome, using one of these methods:

— Select More Tools > Developer Tools from Chrome’s Main Menu.

— Right-click a page element and select Inspect.

— Press option-command-J (Mac) or control-shift-J (Windows).

2. Reload the web page:

command-shift-r (Mac), or control-shift-r (Windows)

3. Look for error messages in the console.

4. If the error message is, “Failed to load resource … status 403 (forbidden)”, then the image file permissions have to be changed.

How to Change File Permissions (Mac):

1. Start Fugu and connect to

2. Navigate to your p3 folder on the server, and select the image file.

3. Right click the image file and click Get Info.

4. In the field labeled Octal Mode Representation:, enter 644 and then click Apply.

5. In Chrome, reload the web page on the server and the image(s) should be displayed.

How to Change File Permissions  (Windows):

For this example, assume that both the .html file and the image file are in the p3 folder on the server.

1. Start winSCP and connect to

2. Navigate to your p3 folder on the server, and select the image file.

3. On the File menu, choose Properties.

4. At the bottom of the Properties dialog, enter 644 in the Octal: field, then click OK.

5. In Chrome, reload the web page on the server and the image(s) should be displayed.

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