Bits are a Bias-Free, Universal Medium
Five Categories of Information
The bits themselves don’t tell you what they represent. Here are the five ways bits can be interpreted:
- NASA Image of the Day.
Category: _____ - 100 Kdigits of PI.
Category: _____ - To a Mouse, Robert Burns.
Category: _____ - Prelude in C & the PI Song.
Category: _____ - One statement in a computer program.
“Category: _____
Required Reading
- Ch. 2, Bits, Bytes, and Representation, UDW
- Ch. 6-7 , LWD5ed
- Bits & Bytes & Words
Optional Web Field Trips
- What’s an Algorithm? And How do Quants Use Them? (wsj video, 2min.)
- Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?
- CSS: From Zero to Hero (Freecodecamp)
- HEIC files: a new image format