Digital Computers
- How digital information is encoded and processed
- Hardware components
- Analog to Digital => Signals to Symbols => Rungs 1-4 to Rungs 5-9
- bits and bytes
Logic is the foundation of reasoning and the foundation of computing. By associating true with presence & false with absence, we can use the physical world (signals) to model the logical world (symbols), and vice-versa. This is the fundamental principle of Information Technology.
Required Reading
- Ch. 1, What’s in a Computer, UDW
- Ch. 5, LWD5ed
- Nine Rungs of the Computer Inferno
- Von Neumann Machine
- Learn these Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts:
Total Page Reload:control-shift-r
Open DevTools Console:control-shift-j
Total Page Reload:command-shift-r
Open DevTools Console:option-command-j
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