Building Connections

University of Oregon alumni, along with Cinema Studies faculty, guest speakers, and the Cinema Studies Digital Network members, are valuable resources for students and recent graduates looking to build their professional connections.

Story by Hannah Osborn

Cinema Studies graduate Maura Turner (right) landed a job with Pixar, joining University alumni Greg Snyder (middle) and CJ Hsu (left).
Photo courtesy Pixar Animation Studios.

As any job seeker will learn, a professional network is one of the most valuable tools in the search process. Given that the majority of today’s jobs are obtained through networking, the best method for students when preparing for success after graduation is to establish their professional network while still in school. In Cinema Studies, that starts with the talented pool of UO alumni.

Maura Turner, BA ’14, learned firsthand just how valuable networking could be when she met Greg Snyder, BA ’92 and Pixar Animation Studios Film Editor, at a Cinema Studies Working Filmmakers presentation during her freshman year at the University of Oregon.
 In fact, Snyder’s talk 
was the reason she 
became a Cinema 
Studies major: “Greg’s 
talk was the first thing 
I ever did with the Cinema Studies Program. 
I was in awe of Greg’s work, and I wanted to do what he did.”

Turner, who had long dreamed of working at Pixar, kept in contact with Snyder during the months leading up to her graduation. After surviving an extensive interview process, she landed a position with Pixar. She started as an intern on the production desk working with Snyder on a forthcoming Pixar project and is now a production assistant on that same project. “I dream[ed] of working
 at Pixar before I understood what that even meant,” Turner says. “Pixar’s capacity to appeal to children and adults and evoke emotional and thoughtful messages is amazing
 to me. To get to be a part of it is a dream come true.” Turner’s advice to students looking to have the same postgrad success? “Go to as many talks and workshops as you can to make connections with the guest speakers. The [Cinema Careers] prep class is an amazing tool to help you create your professional presence and network with industry professionals. Do as many informational interviews as you can, apply for all sorts of internships, and always write thank-you letters!”


“The [Cinema Careers] prep class is an amazing tool to help you create your professional

presence and network with industry professionals.”

— Maura Turner, BA ’14
Pixar Animation Studios

While participating in the Cinema Studies study abroad program in 2014, Jackie Penn networked to land an internship on a new Irish television series. Photo courtesy Jackie Penn

Jackie Penn, BA ’14, is another Cinema Studies graduate who landed her dream job by building connections. Penn always envisioned herself working abroad. Through her experience in the Cinema Studies summer study abroad program in Ireland, she was able to establish a professional network and secure an internship at Ripple World Pictures in Dublin. “I made it my goal while in Ireland to meet as many people as possible and build connections with the people I worked with,” Penn says. “Even if I was nervous about talking to someone, I would just tell myself that if I didn’t talk to them it could easily be an opportunity lost.” She now spends her days reading scripts, brainstorming, and conducting research for a new Irish television series. Penn advises students to use their connections to get in touch with people at companies where they would like to work.

The stories of these recent Cinema Studies graduates demonstrate that building professional connections through alumni, faculty, guest speakers, and classes is a matter of taking initiative and not being afraid to put yourself out there and that networking leads to great opportunities.