Artifact 6: Creative Spirituality Reflection

Learning Unit Objectives: 

  • Become familiar with was in which spirituality influences artists
  • Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion
  • Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity

Artifact: Spirituality and Creativity Reflection

For this weeks post it was to focus more on our own personal reflections regarding spirituality and creativity. We were asked to define what we think each of those statements means. I chose this artifact because it relates not only to my last post about spirituality and the accounts that Alex Grey gave, but also relates to my human values assessment.


Since this was a personal reflection it relates most specifically with the unit objective of discussing the differences between spirituality and religion. In my post I go into great detail about how I believe that people seem to confuse spirituality with religion, and how these two are actually completely different. I think that you can incorporate the two together by finding spirituality through being religious, but because of my own personal experiences I do not think that they cannot exists without one another.


In the future I’ll continue to keep spirituality and religion separated especially when it comes to my works. But, like I have mentioned in my previous artifact it does become a question when thinking or looking into other peoples works. I think that religion influences a lot of artists works, and so I have to ask was religion the inspiration here or was it more of spirituality being a factor in the creative process? For myself, I know that I want to try and incorporate spirituality as a means of being creative as I have said before, and I think that spirituality does play a huge role in making some works possible where they otherwise may not have been.

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