Remix Discussion

For this weeks assignment I went ahead and watched the video about the Amen Break with absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, but I am so pleased that I watched it! I am an advent supporter and lover of dance music and have been for quite a few years now. Although I support all sub-genres of dance music, I honestly cannot stand jungle or DnB (drum and bass) for the simple fact that it has always sounded the same to me regardless of differing artists. I know a lot of people like to think that about all forms of dance music, and to someone who has not spent a lot of time listening to it and and finding the differences in each sub-genre I could completely understand why. It was so interesting and enlightening for me to learn that a 6 second sound from a song made in 1969 is the basis for just about every (if not all) jungle and DnB songs, as well as a lot of late 80s early 90s hip hop songs. I’m curious if there are any other genres from either the 90s or now that anyone else has noticed the same break sample being used?