Adornment: Personal Reflection

When I think about how I dress each day the most important thing I consider first is what I’ll be doing that day. If I know I’m going to class, but that I have to go to work after I’ll usually dress for comfort where as if I know that I have only class that day I’ll usually take a little bit more time in choosing an outfit that is suitable for the weather, but also comfortable and more fashionable in my opinion. As far as any body adornments, I do have tattoos but they are hidden by my clothing choices in the fall and winter time, and I do wear many rings and sport the 4 wristbands I have left on my right wrist from music festivals I have gone to in the last year. I have my ears pierced, but I never wear earrings. As of late I have been really digging the 90s fashion revival that is happening so when thinking about why I make the choices I do, I think I revolve it around that. I love wearing mens flannels and knee high socks with my combat boots, and rocking a choker necklace.

When I did my first post on the people that I watched I said that I paid a lot of attention to what they were wearing and how in turn their sense of fashion showed the amount of time that they valued. I would say that my personal beliefs and values are encompassed within that. I value time and my health so on days when I have a lot to do, I am more focused on using my time wisely and being comfortable in what I wear. When I have less to do I am more inclined to spend more time on what I wear and how my makeup looks, because looking more put together I think portrays a sense of hygienic standards for myself. I like to look clean cut, because it makes me feel good and makes others look at me and feel the same.

Growing up I would say that my family really valued freedom. I was always given the opportunity to do the things that I wanted to do and my parents were very trusting of me. I made a lot of mistakes and did things that they could not always help me get out of, but I figured a lot of things out and learned a lot in that time. In turn I think that I communicated my sense of freedom in the clothes that I wore because I always wore what I wanted, and it was never anything that was inappropriate, but my parents were also never telling me that I couldn’t wear a certain brand or anything in that sense. I never had a desire to get any crazy piercings I always stuck with different piercings on my ears and when I was 16 I did get my belly button pierced and my parents were always fine with it. On my 18th birthday I got my first tattoo, and although my parents were not excited about the idea of me having a tattoo, they were happy with the result and happy that I made the choice to keep them in places that could be hidden. I went on to get three more tattoos and they have never been disappointed in me for it or ashamed that I got them because I was very smart in making sure that I looked professionally presentable for the future of me getting a job.

With my set of friends I would say they are all a little different and unique, but also similar to me in the way we dress and adorn ourselves. A lot of my friends have tattoos both visible and not, and many of them have facial piercings and ear piercings etc. One of my friends recently dyed his hair a grayish-pastel blue color and one of my other friends has part of her head shaved. Many of us are into the 90s revival and a lot of us share clothes so I would say that the values of my friends is also freedom and they value fashion. I think that they also value being unique in a lot of ways. We all get along well because we enjoy a lot of the same things, but there are many choices that they make in the way they dress and style themselves that I could never see myself doing because of how I value my professional future.

One thought on “Adornment: Personal Reflection

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