Preparation for Final Presentation

Now that we are coming to the end of the group project, my focus this week has been on the group presentation. Over the term I feel as if I have gained more confidence talking in front of my peers, which was challenging at first but the more I challenged myself the easier it got. By presenting in the first presentation I was able to build more confidence  when speaking in front of my classmates. If I sat out of that first presentation my confidence would still be at the same level it was before the presentation, so challenging myself to participate in that first presentation allowed me to move forward rather than stay the same. Also by interacting with my group every class and interacting with other classmates throughout the term has allowed me to gain confidence.

As my group and I get ready for this presentation, I can sense the relief of all of work coming to an end. I feel ending this project with a presentation will show off all the hard work we have put into this project over the course of nine weeks. Overall, I have felt that our group has worked well together throughout the term and always were supportive of the final decisions that were made. This being said, I feel the same type of attitude will be carried into the presentation. I feel if I am supportive and positive of my team going into the presentation, my group will do the same for me. I am looking forward to presenting our final product and presenting all the work we have put in over the course of the term.

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