Social Awareness

This week has been the busiest group week out of the entire term. It has taken a lot of work to reconstruct our proposal and because of that our group has met everyday this week. I have found myself through working hours on this proposal improving my ability to be socially aware of other’s thoughts to improve the quality of our proposal. Being able to empathize with others was an idea I wanted to improve on when coming into this class and this week has shown my improvements. I have learned it is important to understand different points of views from each group member in order to create the best possible ideas. This has helped our group develop the best possible ideas when constructing our proposal. For example, when working on our situation analysis our group realized we needed to use more evidence when backing up our claims. As a result, we invited each group member to express ideas that we could use to improve the claims we made from our first draft. This allowed our group to develop more solid claims that our evidence could back up, whereas before our claims were not supported strongly enough.

This process challenged my ability to be aware of every idea presented whether it was right or wrong and it resulted in our group coming up with our strongest ideas of the term. Before this class I might have been irritated with some of the ideas presented, but after working in a group for several weeks I have learned to welcome new ideas instead of reject them. By writing down that I need to be more socially aware in my Leadership Development Plan, it has helped me reflect on the last 8 weeks and point out the improvements I have made in this area. Overall, I have improved on my ability to value each group member’s perspective on each decision that we make as a group and as a result, our group has came together and worked well when developing our final proposal.

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