Group Feedback

In class on Monday, I got my face to face feedback from a member of my team and received my overall performance in the group halfway trough the term. I was very humbled and excited to see my feedback as mostly positive and I believe it reflects the time and work I have been putting into the group. When getting back my feedback I compared it to my leadership development plan and saw the progress I have made in five weeks, but also the areas I still need to improve on. One area in which I was given high praise was in offering knowledgeable insight in group meetings. In the start of the term I tended to listen more and offer less insight, but to hear that feedback from my group means I am doing a good job communicating and expressing my opinions on certain topics during group discussion. Another area that I am progressing in is developing new ideas to help the team move forward. This was an area I wanted to improve upon in my Leadership Development Plan, and to receive that feedback encourages me to keep bringing new insightful ideas to group discussion each week. One area that I need to continue to develop is my ability to encourage other group members to participate on every topic in group discussion. I plan to bring new ideas to the table, but forget to invite other group members ideas by asking them what they think about a certain topic. I feel if I continue to improve this concept our group will be even more successful than it already is.

Overall, I feel I have made tremendous strides in my leadership development and try to improve on at least one idea every time I meet with my group. So far in the term, my group is working well together and communicating on a daily basis to reach our goals. I feel if I continue to work on my own leadership skills and encourage others our group can reach our full potential.

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