Group Introduction

During the week, I had the opportunity to get together with my group and brainstorm ideas that will create a successful atmosphere for the next nine weeks. When reading the Five Practices of Leadership, one of the topics stood out to me. That topic was Inspire a Shared Vision. I thought this topic was fitting considering it was the first time our group came together to discuss the roles and goals of our group and what we wanted to accomplish. First, as a group we decided what our final goal for the project would be. Then we moved on to discuss other group details like roles. When we all sat down to discuss our roles, we knew we were picking roles that would end up help produce our final product. These roles were picked from the same vision that led each one of our members to coming up with one ultimate goal. Without a vision or inspiration, goals and ideas can never be achieved. That is why, when reading this article I realized we all had to inspire the same vision for the final product before we started this journey of ten weeks.

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