Careers in Industry for PhD Students – Seminars, July 30 & 31

Dr. Neil Boaz and Dr. Stephanie Clendennen, two scientists from the Eastman Chemical Company, will be visiting the UO and giving guest seminars for PhD students about careers in industry. Their bios are included below. This is a valuable networking opportunity for grad students at all stages of their research. The seminars are sponsored by the UO Graduate Internship Program.

Dr. Stephanie Clendennen, Sr. Research Associate at Eastman Chemical Company
Biology, Sustainability, and Eastman Chemical Company
Thurs Jul 30, 2015
10:00-11:00, WIL 110

Dr. Neil Boaz, Technology Fellow at Eastman Chemical Company
Organic Chemistry, Sustainability, and Eastman Chemical Company
Fri Jul 31, 2015
10:00-11:00, WIL240D (OCO)

Dr. Clendennen will also be speaking at a WGS-sponsored seminar on dual career couples (Dr. Boaz is her spouse):
Dual Career Couples
Thurs Jul 30, 2015
1:00-2:00, LISB 217


Dr. Clendennen and Dr. Boaz were key contributors in the development of the GEM™ technology platform (green biocatalysis process) which won the 2009 Presidential Green Chemistry Award (1 of 5 awards given by the EPA each year). Dr. Boaz received his PhD in Organic Chemistry from Harvard University and has worked in biocatalysis, fine chemical synthesis, and asymmetric catalysis, the latter of which resulted in the ACS Industrial Innovation Award.  Dr. Stephanie Clendennen received her PhD in Biological Sciences from Stanford University and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University. She has worked in pharma, agriculture, biotech, and chemicals.



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