Religion in Cameroon

November 7, 2022


In Cameroon, the predominantly practiced faith is Christianinty, which is the primary belief system of just over two thirds of the country’s population. This population is divided into three groups; Roman Catholics (occupying about 32 percent of the population), Protestants (occupying about 30 percent) and other subclasses of christianity including Jehova’s Witnesses, etc….  In addition to Christianity, there is also a wide respect for Islam, with about one fifth of the population follows. Although there is a fairly even distribution of Christians and Muslims across every region, Christians generally populate the southern and western areas of the country, while Muslims are found in the northern and eastern areas. These belief systems are generally associated with cities and more populated areas. Traditional indigenous rituals are also maintained in less rural areas. Cameroon’s constitution provides freedom of religion , and the country is generally characterized by high levels of religious tolerance. Cameroon has a diverse population as well, comprising about 250 ethnic groups. These groups tend to intermingle, although they can sometimes be distinguished by class.

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