Professional Communication

The class consisted of presenting ideas in multiple formats such as memos, proposals, presentations, and digital media. The class started with an individual memo assignment, which lead to a group project (writing the proposal) and ended with a group presentation about the proposal. Digital media was used as a space to reflect on learning, collaboration with teammates, sharing of resources and demonstrating progress on course learning objectives. It also served to keep track of my leadership development plan through weekly blog posts.

The memo assignment was to identify a specific educational need of the UO Lundquist College of Business (LCB) undergraduates that might best be addressed beyond the classroom. My ability to communicate effectively through memos was demonstrated through my first draft receiving one of the highest grades amongst my group and my improvement in this method of communication also reflected on the second re-write of the memo where my score improved by ten percent. You will find the original and final draft below.

BA352-Original Memo

BA352-Memo Re-write

The proposal was a group collaboration but it is also a piece of work I feel confident saying demonstrates my professional communication. The proposal was intended to provide a solution to the following topic: “How might we improve the education experience of LCB undergraduate students beyond the classroom?” Through research my team and I identified a need in the LCB and proposed a solution to address this need. Below is the final proposal where you can find further detail about the need we identified and our proposed solution.

BA352-Final proposal
Lastly but certainly not least, my group presented our proposal. Through the presentation I was able to demonstrate my ability to effectively communicate orally. My previous experience in public speaking as a state officer for DECA, a business organization, was very helpful when it came to presenting. I felt comfortable presenting and it was not as nerve wrecking as I thought it would be. Below is the video of my group’s presentation.
Professional Communication can take many forms as this class has showed. I learned how to correctly write a memo, how to format a proposal and exclude fluff when writing it, and how to effectively give a presentation and construct slides to complement it. Areas I would still like to address include writing professional emails, and learn the logistics of writing different types of proposals. I hope to address these areas in future business classes, internships, and future jobs opportunities I may obtain.

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