Defeating Frustration

This week my team and I met on Monday right after class to look over the feedback we received from the professor.  We concluded that we needed to gather further information to support our claim. A couple weeks prior I had attended a networking event that was similar to what we were proposing. It was the first time this event was held by both the Career Center and LCB Career Services. I proposed to meet with the people who ran the event to get further information relevant to our proposal. We set up an appointment the following day and interviewed the coordinator of the event. She was able to provide us with useful information that would help us support the claim my team and I make in our proposal.

The following day the entire team met and we worked on how to incorporate the information we gathered into our proposal. While doing this a bit of frustration started to rise amongst the team and I quickly mentioned what I observed and that allowed for everyone to check themselves and helped settle down the frustration.  I was also able to implement one of my action plan goals shortly afterwards.  While revising our proposal the team was starting to doubt the entire proposal and wanted to take a new direction. I reminded them we all had agreed upon a team vision “to successfully complete our proposal” and changing the direction of our proposal would not allow us to successfully complete it. We decided to stay with what we had initially and worked on improving it based on the professor’s feedback.

I left that night to a conference I am attending this week and planned to meet with them on Sunday when I would be back. I was glad I could provide a way for the team to gather information that would benefit our proposal and clarify the direction the team was going before my departure.

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