Team Progress and My Contribution

The team progress has been interesting to observe and be a part of. The team started off with addressing a need for international student inclusion and with our research and surveys it shifted to a need for networking amongst the LCB students and staff. Just like the ladder of inference states, we had a belief but then we collected data and by analyzing the data we found a new belief in which we have decided to take action upon.

Thus far the team has collaborated well together. As far as my collaboration goes, I have been facilitating meetings when the team leader is not able to meet with the rest of us due to schedule conflicts. I am inclusive of all members by suggesting ways to collaborate that require the input of everyone. Like with our first proposal draft, instead of assigning everyone a section I suggested we all start off with a section, take a few minutes to write down ideas and content and then rotate the sections. This way everyone had the opportunity to look over every section of the proposal add suggestions, fix errors and provide input. This worked out very smoothly for all of us. It also allowed for everyone to be on the same page as far as the details of our solution and our overall proposal.

I hope to continue bringing ideas of ways the team can work together and make sure no one is left behind. No wonder encouraging the heart was my number one rank in the 5 practices, I like to recognize everyone’s contribution no matter how big or small it is.

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