© 2014 cbrady2


My family dynamic is one that I’d like to believe is unique to me. My mother is a single-parent and has worked very hard in life to provide for my brother and I. The dynamic my mother and I have, I would describe as a sister to sister relationship but with my mother having more authority over me. We are able to talk about everything openly, and she is the first person I think to go to when I have a problem. I love how open our relationship is because it allows me to express my opinions and life experiences without having to worry what my mother would think. That being said, I still respect my mother and speak to her respectfully.

As a whole my brother, mom and I have a very close relationship all together. We all care for each other and depend on each other for support. I actually prefer growing up the way that my brother and I did because my bond between my mother and I is very strong. I often think that if I were to have grown up in a traditional family that it would not be like that and my personality and self would not be the same.

One Comment

  1. Amanda
    Posted May 23, 2014 at 6:35 pm | #

    It definitely sounds like you and I have the same relationships with our moms! My mom’s officially a single mom, but even growing up while she was still married to my dad, it was like she was a single mom. I have so much respect for your mom! Great post.

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