As a citizen of the United States, have you ever taken a look at the political sphere of today’s time? Have you noticed that there are, at present, two primary political parties at constant odds with each other? Have you ever thought it concerning? You might’ve wondered how it got this way, and what “it” even is.
The “it” is party polarization, and is an issue that has been affecting American politics for generations. Today, polarized parties is a phenomenon that hasn’t been more evident since the era of the Civil War. The political stances of people in the country that stand on the left and right are ideologically opposed in almost every way. And the gap is not shrinking. The Pew Research Center conducted a poll that found only 39% of people hold consistently moderate political views, down from 49% in 1994 and 2004. This statistic represents the fact that two political camps are forming, camps that increasingly refuse to respect the beliefs or supporters by the other. This issue is concerning because it predicts a future America whose entire citizenry cannot tolerate anyone but people like themselves, and also leads to radical beliefs that politicians will propound to gain support but aren’t necessarily true. Misinformation and the inability to negotiate are very real possibilities if the issue of polarizing parties is not addressed properly.