Welcome to the CASCC website!


CourseLeaf – use this link to propose, edit, or check the status of proposal: https://nextcatalog.uoregon.edu/courseadmin/

Programs – use this link to propose, edit, or check the status of proposal: https://nextcatalog.uoregon.edu/programadmin/

Approval Page – use this link to approve a proposal within your unit: https://nextcatalog.uoregon.edu/courseleaf/approve/

New UOCC Course Approval Process:

New & Revised Courses | Office of the Provost (uoregon.edu)

UOCC Resources: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/uocc/resources-for-course-proposals/ 



For CAS consideration during the Fall term:  Monday, October 7, 2024

For CAS consideration during the Winter term: Monday, January 20, 2025

For CAS consideration during the Spring term: Monday, April 14, 2025


Who We Are

The College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (CASCC) is responsible for reviewing a wide variety of curricular requests from the College of Arts and Sciences departments and programs and forwarding its recommendations to the University of Oregon Curriculum Committee on courses or other appropriate reviewers. The CASCC meets weekly for a 6-week period each term. 



What we do

Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee website. This website is designed to help faculty and departmental curriculum coordinators understand and complete the required actions for any type of proposal to be considered by the CASCC. Our aim is to provide useful information and guidelines in preparing courses and programs so that your proposal can move through the review process in a timely manner.

For the process to work smoothly, it is very important that all forms are filled out completely and accurately and that all syllabi are complete. Towards this end, we have provided helpful templates and examples, including policy language, suggested learning outcomes and other content. 

Please use the Contact tab above if you need answers to specific questions.


Process Overview

Prior to submitting a proposal to the CASCC, CAS departments must complete an internal review of the proposal and get the approval of their divisional deans. The decision-making process and internal review within a department should be completed no less than one year in advance of the term in which the implementation of new courses or changes to existing courses should take effect. Once the proposal is approved by the department and submitted via CourseLeaf to CASCC, the CAS Curriculum Coordinator conducts an initial review. The Curriculum Coordinator may approve the submission and send it to the CASCC or return the proposal to the department for additional work.


Given the volume of submissions to the CASCC, the CAS Curriculum Coordinator will return any incomplete proposal only one time for required format changes (rollback). If such changes are not made correctly, the proposal will be suspended and considered only during a later term when the proposal is in proper format. To avoid delaying proposals by at least one term, please make certain that all forms are filled out correctly and all syllabi are prepared properly.


The CASCC reviews the department-verified submission from an academic perspective and may approve the submission and send it to the University of Oregon Curricular Committee (UOCC) or return the proposal to the department for additional work.  Rollbacks that are generated by the CASCC regarding content have no such restrictions as mentioned above, however continued rollbacks may delay the proposal past the term of submission. 


The CASCC reviews requests for proposals to: 

  • Establish a new course (traditional, online, and hybrid) 
  • Establish a new minor and/or certificate
  • Establish a new major 
  • Establish a new graduate program 
  • Change an existing course (traditional, online, and hybrid) 
  • Change an existing minor and/or certificate
  • Change an existing major
  • Change an existing graduate program 
  • Change a course name/title
  • Change a degree name
  • Change a course number/level 
  • Change the number of credits for a course
  • Change to the description of a course
  • Change to a course’s expanded course description at the catalog level 
  • Change the special status of an undergraduate course
  • Change the repeatability criteria or other enrollment conditions for a course
  • Prerequisite changes