Life Values Assessment

Part 1

Location, Community, Creativity, Independence, Security, Wisdom, Leadership, Personal Development, Expertness, Prestige, Power, Service, Wealth, Personal Accomplishment, Health, Integrity, Loyalty, Family, Friendship, Enjoyment

Part 2

Integrity, Loyalty, Family, Friendship, Enjoyment

Some of the activities that I did today included got up early to go to the gym, hanging out with my friends talking to my mom on the phone, going to the store to buy food, played in a soccer game. I can easily relate the activities that I did today to my top 5 personal interests.  I can start off by saying that used loyalty early in the day to get up and commit to going to the gym. Both my friend and I believe that waking up early is the best time to go. This can also relate to friendship because we both respect each other.  After we worked out we played some soccer together. Soccer is a sport that I really enjoy playing and have a lot of fun doing it. This can be related to enjoyment my number one most important personal interest.

By the end of the day I called my mom and family to she how they where doing. My family and I are very close and because they live in California I don’t get to see them very often. My personal interest to my family is another very important value of mine. They love me and strive to help get to the places in life that I need to be. My parents have taught me to enjoy life because it doesn’t last forever. I still follow this believe and try to build on my life everyday. Some goal that I would like to pursue in the future would be find a job that can sustain my life and being as happy as possible. There is nothing really standing in the way of my goals. The only thing I could think of would be that I nervous to grow up and have to live on my own. I would need to build a lot on my confidence so that I can concur any obstacle in my way.

Artifact 1: Values

Original Discussion Post:

The author in the articles A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives describes values as being a word “often used loosely, it should be a synonymous with personal and related beliefs about the “good,” the “just,” and the “beautiful,” personal evaluations and beliefs that propel us to action, to a particular kind of behavior and life”(Lewis. H). I agree with the author’s description about what values should mean. Though I don’t agree with the origins of values and how people discover them. I believe that values are created and shaped by three things. These three factors are parents, religion, and schooling. Parents teach their children the same values they believe. If they tell their child that something is wrong then the child listens. For example a parent always tells a boy to never hit a girl. This is something that is seen as wrong because hitting it wrong. Especially hitting a woman. When growing up the only way to know the difference between right and wrong is through your parents. The way I value myself and everyone around me is the same as my parents. They have shaped me into who I am. My family is Catholics so they believe in the values that the Catholics church teaches. Not only Catholics believe in good values. People of all religious strive to follow their religions values and believes. The believes maybe be different in other religions though we are all taught to be good, just, and beautiful to the people that we care about. The final step that shapes value is schooling. What we learn is school no matter the grade level shapes our values. Schooling teaches us everything we know. Everything we learn and believe is taught by the teacher that we have. Parents, religion, and schooling have shaped the values that I live by. I believe they have made me a good, just, and beautiful person.


The main objective of this assignment was to become familiar with the basic relationships of human values to psychological and philoshopical endeavors, understanding the values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual. It was suppose to challenge us so we could explore one’s own value systems.

In this refection I expressed my believes and personal values that I have learned throughout my life. I have learn all of my personal values through my parents, schooling, and religion. Throughout my life I have attended catholic school that taught me to respect and treat others with respect. This has shape my attitude toward others and I believe it has made me a better person. I used the quote “good,” the “just,” and the “beautiful,” personal evaluations and beliefs that propel us to action, to a particular kind of behavior and life”(Lewis. H). i feel like I follow these traits to the best of my ability and try to make others follow the same path. Parents was another large influence on my values. I said hat they were the people who taught me everything that I know. This has had a huge influence on my life and has shaped who i am today.


For the future, I hope to continue to have the values that i have about people. I believe that I have a good head on my shoulders and make good decisions in my life based off of my values. I believe I do have room for improvement toward others and becoming a better person. I could also teach others the values that I believe in pursuit to make them better people. Hopefully by doing this i can continue to live a life of happiness.


Lewis, H. (1990). A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.