Creative Spirtituality Reflection

1. How do you define “spirituality”?


I define spirituality, as something that I feel is real even though I cannot see it. It is very hard to describe what spirituality is because it isn’t a fiscal thing that some one could see or touch. Spirituality comes more from a belief that something is important and sacred to oneself.  I personally feel like spirituality is something that does always have to be religious. People that do not have firm religious beliefs can use it. Spirituality is more like a mind set that someone has toward things.


2. Does spirituality differ from religion?


In most cases I would say that religion and spirituality is very similar to one another. Spirituality can be defined as a state of being dedicated to religion, god, or prayer. The Catholic Church enjoys using the term spirituality to define all of its values and believes. Though there is a strong argument that suggests that they are different from one another. Spirituality isn’t complete defined by religion because anyone can become spiritual. All spirituality does is create a mindset that some one believes and follows.


3. How do you define “creativity”?


I define creativity as something that everyone poses. It is the imagination that someone has that makes him or her there own person. Creativity can be a number of things from art to a dream or idea. The possibilities are endless for what creativity is. I personally feel it is something that shy’s away from normality. Creativity has to be something that some can notice and express their feeling to. If it doesn’t meet these criteria then is can be considered creative.


4. What is the source of creativity?


The source of creativity comes from a persons mind. It is whatever a person can think of and some how express it to other people. The source is located in each human’s brain and it can be see when someone expresses it physically. Everyone has a source of creativity locked in his or her mind. The hard part is trying to find a way to show it to people. Creativity can come in all kinds of forms such as art and music. I really has a endless of possibilities than it can come from.



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