Original Discussion Post:
The first individual I noticed during this time was a homeless man who sits on the corner of 10th and Hilyard right next to the Carl’s Jr. I normally see this man here everyday and he is mostly in the same attire every time I see him. He always dresses in camouflage jacket and pants with a black cowboy hat. The man has long hair almost in a ponytail and has a long beard. I couldn’t tell his race beside that he was a white person. I’m guessing that this mans age would be late 50’s to early 60’s. I believe that values and beliefs are demonstrated in his dress through his camouflage clothing. This could mean that at some point in his life he was in the military. Which means he wasn’t always a homeless person begging for money. Another thing I notice was that he looked a little more presentable then most homeless people seen around Eugene. He seems to be a fairly healthy looking man. The thing that I though was the most interesting was that he had high spirits for a homeless man. I believe like this guy is a good man. Even though he was homeless, he kept a smile on his face. I feel like he probably had a rough few years in his life that caused him to become homeless. In my opinion he wasn’t a typical homeless man who would beg for cash.
The second person I noticed during this time was a man who was driving a decked out Jeep wrangler truck. This man definitely looked like a student that was in college. He had long blonde hair and an outrageous mustache on his face. He seemed like he came from a family with a lot of money because of the clothing and car that he was driving. The man was dressing in a collard golf shirt with colorful short shorts and a pair of boat shoes. In my opinion this guy seemed to part of a fraternity at the University of Oregon. I not totally sure about this but I could make a strong argument about why I could believe it. The age of this guy was early 20’s. He looked very Caucasian and seemed to be very wealthy. He also seemed to be in good health. I believe that I noticed these things about this guy because I grew up in a nice neighborhood with a lot of wealthy people. This guy seemed like a normal person and though there is also the typical rich attitude. What I mean by this is he could be a spoiled self-centered person. I feel like most people with a lot of money act that way.
The third person I noticed during this time was a woman who was walking down 13th near the duck store. I would describe this woman as not a typical looking woman. For starters she had her hair die pink. She was wearing a normal looking dress but the rest of her body was covered in tattoos and piercings. She had most of her piercings around her noise and mouth, which I found somewhat disturbing. Her values and beliefs are demonstrated in her clothing because most women who were considered hippies would wear this kind of attire. This means she probably didn’t care what other people though about her. This woman’s age seemed to be late 30’s early 40’s. I could really notice her ethnicity other than Caucasian. She seemed to be a healthy person that just dressed out of the ordinary. I believe that the outfit she was wearing was a little bit too much for me. I would never want to date a girl that was dressed like her. I’m not say how she was dressed was a bad thing though it isn’t part of my values and believes.
The main objective of this assignment was to take an hour to people watch. Pick out three individuals during this time and respond to the following questions for each person. Describe what you see? How are values and beliefs,in your opinion, demonstrated in their dress and body adornment? What assumption are you making about the person based on their dress, such as age, race, cultural background, gender, health, emotional condition? What do these assumptions say about your own values and beliefs?
I chose this artifact to write about because it caused me to really think about the kind of person I am and how I judge other people. After reading my response over again I feel like I judge these people roughly. I got the impression in my writing that I was for some reason better than these people. I definitely don’t think that is the case. People should care what others think they should be able to make their own decisions.
Like the woman that I talked about with pink hair and piercings. In the article that we read Sanders says ” Tattooing, body piercing and, and to a lesser degree body sculpting are employed to proclaim publicly one’s special attachment to deviant groups, certain activities, self concepts, or primary associates”(Sanders pg 2). I feel that instead of being so judgmental I should have looked at the things that I like about these three people. If I could back and re due the assignment I feel like i would have describe different traits about these people.
For the future, I hope to be able to constant have the mind set of of not judging people just for what they look like. It is important to find the beauty in people instead of the ugly side of someones appearance. If I continue to live my life this way I believe I can appreciate the world we live in more than I do now.
Discussing your first man, it might be safe to say based on his age to say he may have been in the military, but a lot of people wear camouflage. Also, I know generally there are a lot of benefits to military personal so while it might be difficult to find a job, he should have government support if he is past military. He also might not be homeless. I think that is the general consensus when it comes to people on the side of the road, but if he had a sign, what did it say? Maybe he is just jobless or short on cash. I have heard people standing on the side of the road con people, and actually make a decent amount of money. But it takes determination and will to stand out there in the rain and cold sometimes asking for money and food.