Professionalism Blog

On a grade scale of 50 points, I would award myself with a 45 for professionalism. I think this relatively high score can be justified through my performances shown over the course of the term. Not only was I never absent for a class, but I would always come prepared for the lecture. I would arrive having already looked over the schedule for the week and with any readings out of the way, if necessary. Additionally, anything that was due would be out and ready to turn in at the start of class.  During class, my attention was almost always engaged in the lecture and I would always be an active participator in any activities that were presented. I am a little critical of my class performance on a few levels. I feel as though I could have raised my hand more when you asked for volunteers in class. I also feel that I could have asked more questions during Q&As. I am most critical of the fact that I missed a blog, which there is no excuse for. Lastly, though maybe not so extreme, I was one of several people who faced some complications in turning in our final memo; was not able to turn it in during class due to confusions about having rough draft stapled to it. I was forced to turn into your office later that evening.

While working on our business proposal, I showed professionalism in both the work I did, as well as through my interaction with fellow group members. I was always on board for meeting whenever we as a group thought it would be necessary, and was always sure to arrive to every meeting that took place. I never arrived late, and I always came prepared to work. Not just in the aspect that I was motivated to get things done, but I would also regularly come prepared with materials to present. This material could come in the form of ideas, opinions, or work that I had done. This would often help make our meetings more productive.

I was also sure to show respect to my group members, whether inside or outside of classes. I would be courteous and show any individual speaking that they had my attention. For those who were not speaking, I would sometimes kindly ask them if they had any ideas or opinions, as a way to invite them into the conversation and make them feel as though their voice matters. I didn’t hold back from volunteering to do any of more challenging parts of the assignment, and whether it was my volunteering or something asked of me, I was sure to give it my all. Never once did I meet my group and not have my assigned materials finished. I was also sure to contribute to any work that was being done during our meetings as to evenly distribute the work load, and I would frequently offer to speak for our group or ask a question that had been concerning us. I wasn’t a perfect member. I had my faults (early dismissal of an idea for example), as did everyone else. I was able to identify these issues through myself and through feedback from other members, and I showed professionalism by my efforts to overcome these issues.

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