Improvements in conversation-contribution, and discovery of new personal leadership faults

After hitting some roadblocks and falling behind from some of the other group, we have as a team been working very hard to not only catch up, but get ahead of many of the groups. We met everyday last Friday-Sunday last weekend and have been and will continue to do the same this weekend. At this point, we have a pretty clear idea of where we want to go with this project, and now we are pretty concerned with researching and also obtaining information from other LCB international students as to give us a even clearer and narrower path to follow.

I have noticed that we work very well as a group. Everyone contributes and each bring their own unique qualities to our project. Though I think we make great progress as a group, we do have our faults. For me personally, I think that I have detected another leadership issue that I need to work on.

I went into this project with the goal of speaking up and being a much greater contributor to the conversation process than I had in other groups. I do feel that I have shown improvement in this aspect thus far, and I am pretty proud of this. However, in doing so I notice new issues of mine; such as cutting someones idea off from the beginning. I don’t think I am alone in this, for I have seen others in the group doing the same. But I feel that when I do put myself out there to contribute to the conversations, I get nervous sometimes and run on adrenaline. I noticed that while in this ‘zone’, there was a couple times where I would unintentionally shut someone’s idea down. I would then feel very awful about this and this feeling lingers in for me a while. As I do work on being more outgoing, I will also have to work on perfecting this outgoing-ness if I ever want to make it a great leadership quality.

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