Bruce Nauman in “Identity”
This is a PBS Art21 video about Nauman’s work and philosophy. In this video he talks about his process and approach to art-making, as well as how he chose to pursue art.
Bruce Nauman: Make Work
Nauman explains how his time spent in-studio is very exploratory. He describes his process and philosophy regarding the process of making art.
Bruce Nauman: “Poke in the Eye/Nose/Ear”
Nauman explains how he explores time and the use of the human body in his video works. He also explains how this particular piece addresses the viewer, and this explanation can be applied to many of his works, where the bizarre subject matter forces the viewer to examine the subject matter on an objective, formal level.
Bruce Nauman Exhibition (Explicit)
This video shows Nauman’s work in context, and the host gives his take on each piece. This is a good video to see how people interact with Nauman’s work. This video is primarily of his neon work.
Bruce Nauman: Teachers & Artists
Nauman talks about two teachers who were influential in his development. He discusses the importance of paying attention, in his life and in his art.