
In the words of Emril Lagasse, or word, rather, “BAM!” As he lays the dish he prepares in front of him, he slaps a handful of spices on the plate, and his studio audience applauds. There’s something about well-presented food that makes us all rise to the edge of our seats. In a world dominated […]

My Client Ate My Picture

One thing that can never be understated in public relations is the ability to create a recognizable brand. Surprisingly, a good portion of that falls on aesthetic aspects, rather than the service or product provided. In a recent blog post I discussed Oreo’s “Dunk in the Dark“campaign that was an ingenious form of newsjacking. Well, […]

That Time You Met Bill Gates

Alright, let’s be real. If you’re on my blog, you’ve probably never met Bill Gates. And if you have, you clearly weren’t prepared. Cause if you were still an associate of his, you wouldn’t be wasting your time on a college student’s class required blog post. Which brings me to the point of this post: […]

Invest in a Nice Camera

A camera isn’t just for awkward poses with the family at Thanksgiving. If used well, it can be one of the best promotional assets for a growing company. Don’t get me wrong, the camera on your phone is great. The ease of access, and decently high-quality photographs provide an instant opportunity to become “Insta-famous”. But […]

Social Work Structures

In an article recently posted to Forbes, they discuss incorporating tradition with innovation in ways to elevate your business’ success. Since it’s directly applied to the restaurant industry, rather than restating the contents, I’m going to lean on the idea that we all need to be more accepting of others ideas – especially in the […]

Creating Culture

Part of building your brand is making your customers feel like part of your family. People appreciate attentive service, and unique outreach because it makes them feel special. Recently, Bud Light has been developing a campaign behind the saying, “Dilly Dilly“. The two-word phenomenon has seemingly replaced the word “cheers” in bars across America. Some […]

Don’t Just Pitch

I recently stumbled upon an old blog post on Journalistics. Jeremy Porter, the author, discusses how to achieve better results when pitching stories. He extensively details methods to more effectively communicate. The points raised not only help with pitches, but also can, and should, be applied in all areas of business. It’s important to pay attention […]

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