Brandon Forsyth BA 352
Just another University of Oregon Sites site

Week 2 Reflections

January 17th 2014 in Uncategorized

As we progress through this class, I am beginning to learn more about myself and the way I respond to group activities that we take part in. While doing the prototype assignment, I learned that although I may believe I have a clear idea of some creation it can always be improved upon. The specific assignment reminded me of a Steve Jobs interview in which he explained he could not just ask people what they wanted in a phone because they didn’t know. He had to ask questions about other things that may or may not relate in order to get responses that may be useful to the process. This is exactly what we were doing in this project and the result was that I went from a plain and boring idea to an idea that my partner could actually see himself spending money on. I am learning that collaboration is vitally important and will only become more so as I progress in life. Expanding off of this idea, I am realizing there is always room for improvement in all aspects of an idea.

Working and meeting with my team gives me a positive outlook on the term as all group members appear dedicated to doing the best we can. I am excited by the idea of treating this project as a business project instead of a some assignment we need to get done for a grade. We have a good foundation of where we want to head in our ideas, but I believe the difficulty will be in coming up with more specific goals that we would like to achieve. I noticed when we met there was a lot of agreement between our group and in some way I believe that is a good thing, but I know if we do not challenge each other and our ideas we will not be as successful as we want to in this project. I think as we begin to get more specific in our ideas we will have more conflict which I believe will be beneficial to our final product of this project.

The aspect I am most excited about in this class is the Leadership Development Plan because it includes the ideas that I can take with me outside of school. I believe I am a skilled individual, but I definitely have room for improvement in some areas more than others. I am excited to build upon my strengths and transform my weaknesses in to strengths as well. I realize the only way I can do this is through practice and close analyzing. I will depend on my teammates to help give me feedback on the ways I act and hopefully try some stuff I never have before. This class specifically in unlike any I have taken before in the way that we do not just do assignment but we think and collaborate. This class has the potential to be the most beneficial class I have taken at LCB and I expect it to be.


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I believe this class is going to very eye-opening, but also challenging. I believe it will be very much unlike any class I have taken before, as this is not a normal get the assignment done type of a class, but instead a class with many different aspects that cannot simply be conveyed through a […]

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This was a short week with only one actual day of class on Wednesday. I still felt that this was a successful week for my team in the way that we were able to narrow in on where we want to head with our project. I am proud of the way I have been interacting […]

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