Brandon Forsyth BA 352
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Finalizing our Proposal

February 21st 2014 in Uncategorized

We had a lot of work to do this week after we got feedback on the first draft of our proposal. Even though we didn’t want to hear the comments, we agreed with them and realize following the directions will help us create a more legitimate proposal. The biggest thing we need to take care of is getting more sources to add legitimacy to our argument. We decided to send out a 7-question survey to our classmates because they are the exact target audience we are looking for information from. The questions are directly related to what we are trying to prove in our proposal and we hope and expect to see answers that correspond with the ideas we are explaining in our proposal. We are making our proposal more specific to our point and I believe having evidence to fall back on will make our proposal more effective.

I am happy that I have been giving a lot of my own personal insight to the group in our ideas and they have been effective. This is the most difficult part of our proposal because we do know what we want to say, but we need to find the most effective ways to communicate these ideas. I have specifically been helping to organize our thoughts throughout the paper and make sure we are consistent throughout. We have worked to remove statements that include “we feel” or “we think” and instead input evidence that will bolster our argument.


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This was a busy week in BA352, but my team and I managed to get a lot of useful work done that will help us going forward. We split the work on the first draft of the proposal into four equal parts and brought our parts together before turning in the proposal. After finding out […]

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We have now officially finished our proposal and I am very proud of my team and the way we worked together to display a solid solution to our problem. Although this is a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders, we realize the way we present our proposal is pivotal to the message we are […]

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