Brandon Forsyth BA 352
Just another University of Oregon Sites site

First Draft of Proposal

February 14th 2014 in Uncategorized

This was a busy week in BA352, but my team and I managed to get a lot of useful work done that will help us going forward. We split the work on the first draft of the proposal into four equal parts and brought our parts together before turning in the proposal. After finding out we were not allowed to implement classes, my team and I met with Chris Bennett and I took as many notes as I could. Chris is the main coordinator of the Job Shadow program at LCB. He was very enthusiastic to give us some insight on the program and let us know where he sees the program going in the future. Our input was highly valued , since this program is in its first term of action and has room to grow. We plan to make a program that has similarities to the Job Shadow Program, but focuses more towards Juniors and Seniors instead of just Sophomores. Our program will also involve more time commitment than one day, while still less than an internship. We feel that we have a legitimate solution at this point, but we need to work out more of the details. We are excited to have a plan that we feel strongly about and can expand off of.

I am proud of the way my team split up the work of the proposal and brought it all together once we were done. My part of the proposal was the Executive Summary which is the most simplified part but is also the first part read and must relate to the rest of the proposal. I found it easy to write because we know our main points, but I refined some of that when we met up to make sure we were all on the same page. I am proud of the way I used my writing and summarizing skills to get this piece together. I also liked the way I challenged the process of my other teammates work as well as my own to make sure we were on the same page and not missing any details. I believe I am continuing to improve the way my ideas are communicated to my teammates. My goals continue to be to improve the efficiency of my arguments while continuing to challenge the team at times I find necessary. Communication was needed to make sure we were all heading in the same direction with this and were all mentioning the correct details. I am excited to continue doing research on this idea and hope to come up with the most useful ideas possible.


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I thought it was very useful and beneficial for our team to present what we believed was an area LCB should focus on to improve the experience for students. This presentation made it so we knew exactly what our point was in this project, which will allow us to move forward. I am excited to […]

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We had a lot of work to do this week after we got feedback on the first draft of our proposal. Even though we didn’t want to hear the comments, we agreed with them and realize following the directions will help us create a more legitimate proposal. The biggest thing we need to take care […]

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