Brandon Forsyth BA 352
Just another University of Oregon Sites site

Refining Team Project

January 31st 2014 in Uncategorized

I believe this was a very progressive week for both me as an individual and my team as a whole. Creating our resumes gave me an insight into what I have done so far in life to prepare me for the world outside of school. My main form of experience is in my job working at a pizza parlor and I found that I need more experience that will directly relate to a career that I will want later in life. I found that I do have a lot of skills that will relate, but that these have to be communicated instead of an internship that would more speak for itself. I am glad we are working on these resumes so I can have something that I am confident with to present to employers.

Our team had a good meeting in which we had much difficulty finding out which direction we specifically wanted to go with our project. The difficulty and disagreements lead us to find a specific direction that we all came to an agreement on and are excited to work with. We realized our first idea was a little too vague and might make it difficult to find a solution later in the project. Over the weekend we are going to finalize exactly what we want to communicate in  our presentations and how we are going to do that. It was beneficial that Jessica Best came in and gave us an idea of what the career center at LCB already offers so we have an idea of what can be improved based upon those ideas.

I specifically am proud of myself engaging in class activities (reading out loud) and speaking up in our team discussions about my opinions, while keeping a positive attitude and trying not to come off as confrontational. My goal is to be as useful as an asset to my team as I can be, as well as help make my teammates as good of professional individuals as they can be. I communicate my ideas, and specifically explain how and why my ideas differ from another’s opinion or how and why my ideas are in line with my teammates’. I am excited to continue to improve my individual skills as I help out my team.



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This was a short week with only one actual day of class on Wednesday. I still felt that this was a successful week for my team in the way that we were able to narrow in on where we want to head with our project. I am proud of the way I have been interacting […]

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I thought it was very useful and beneficial for our team to present what we believed was an area LCB should focus on to improve the experience for students. This presentation made it so we knew exactly what our point was in this project, which will allow us to move forward. I am excited to […]

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