Everyone can be a Leader

March 17, 2014

After carefully reading over my Leadership Development Plan as well as reflecting on where I started and where I am now, I realize I have come a long way.  Starting off, I realized my main two struggles that I wanted to change were encouraging the heart by complementing and supporting the other members in my […]

The Final Speech

March 7, 2014

Week 9 finally brought to a close the long term of the EETF proposal.  After countless hours of group meetings, research and constant editing, we finished our proposal last week and ended it with a final presentation on Monday.  All in all I would say that the final presentation was a definite success. The last […]

Not Everyday Can be Great

February 28, 2014

Week 8 had to have been the hardest week of the term.  With the term winding down and all the projects, events and finals finishing, this week has been a blur.  Starting on Monday, the week has been at full speed with the proposal, resume, cover letter all due in BA 352 as well as […]

Heading Down the Back Stretch

February 22, 2014

Week 7 was a very testy week.  Personally, it’s main highlight was attending a career fair in Portland as well as attending the trailblazers game that night against the Spurs.  Through attending this career fair, I saw firsthand the main problems with career fairs in their current structure.  Each of the companies was mainly offering […]

It is Still Snowing

February 7, 2014

Week 5 turned out to be one of the hardest weeks of the term so far.  From beginning to end, I had tests, homework and quizzes that took up a majority of my time.  The start of the week began with a presentation in BA 352 which I feel went very well.  The two people […]

Week 3 was a blur…It started off with a trip to New Orleans where I fortunately got to interact with some high up professionals in ESPN and USA Today where I truly learned about the importance of building relationships with a team and people you come into contact with.  These employees told me the importance […]

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