Professionalism Grade

March 17, 2014

After reflecting upon the past term of BA 352, I realized the vast amount of things I learned, activities I participated in and overall the effort I put forth.  In regards to my professionalism grade, I felt I did a great job in regards to most of the requirements on the rubric however there definitely […]

Everyone can be a Leader

March 17, 2014

After carefully reading over my Leadership Development Plan as well as reflecting on where I started and where I am now, I realize I have come a long way.  Starting off, I realized my main two struggles that I wanted to change were encouraging the heart by complementing and supporting the other members in my […]

The Final Speech

March 7, 2014

Week 9 finally brought to a close the long term of the EETF proposal.  After countless hours of group meetings, research and constant editing, we finished our proposal last week and ended it with a final presentation on Monday.  All in all I would say that the final presentation was a definite success. The last […]

Not Everyday Can be Great

February 28, 2014

Week 8 had to have been the hardest week of the term.  With the term winding down and all the projects, events and finals finishing, this week has been a blur.  Starting on Monday, the week has been at full speed with the proposal, resume, cover letter all due in BA 352 as well as […]

Heading Down the Back Stretch

February 22, 2014

Week 7 was a very testy week.  Personally, it’s main highlight was attending a career fair in Portland as well as attending the trailblazers game that night against the Spurs.  Through attending this career fair, I saw firsthand the main problems with career fairs in their current structure.  Each of the companies was mainly offering […]

Cut the Power

February 15, 2014

Week 6 has been the best week of the term in all aspects.  Classes are slowing down a little bit,  and overall the term has been going very smoothly.  Besides the major snow storm, lack of power for four days in my house and no heating, safe to say I have made it through midterms […]

It is Still Snowing

February 7, 2014

Week 5 turned out to be one of the hardest weeks of the term so far.  From beginning to end, I had tests, homework and quizzes that took up a majority of my time.  The start of the week began with a presentation in BA 352 which I feel went very well.  The two people […]

Leaving the Comfort Zone

February 1, 2014

Week 4 is in the books and once again, the ups and downs never ended, however I can truly say I have grown a lot as a leader this week. One of the things I struggled with in regards to my leadership abilities was my abilities to step outside of my comfort zone and thrive […]

Week 3 was a blur…It started off with a trip to New Orleans where I fortunately got to interact with some high up professionals in ESPN and USA Today where I truly learned about the importance of building relationships with a team and people you come into contact with.  These employees told me the importance […]

Today I took a leadership assessment to evaluate my leadership style in regards to the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.  The test took a lot of careful evaluation before answering each question and after I had finished and saw my results, I realized that they were very accurate.  My results of the survey came out […]

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