Cut the Power

February 15, 2014

Week 6 has been the best week of the term in all aspects.  Classes are slowing down a little bit,  and overall the term has been going very smoothly.  Besides the major snow storm, lack of power for four days in my house and no heating, safe to say I have made it through midterms alive, without a tree falling on me,

In regards to BA 352, this week was very interesting.  We received our peer evaluations from members of our group on how to improve as an individual and as a member of the team.  The results I received were actually shocking.  They were exactly like what I had been talking about with my leadership development plan and one the comments was to work on your “Challenging the Process” and “Encourage the Heart.”  The two things I struggle with the most in regards to leadership, other people noticed as well and for me, this really opened my eyes to what I need to improve upon.

With our project, we finished our proposal, have a fantastic prototype planned to present and overall we are working efficiently.  Our major issue was a lack of utilization when it comes to meeting times however today, our first meeting after that discussion, we were very efficient and we noticed differences in our approach.  I am very pleased with the progress we are making as a team and our career fair project will be come together and be an overall team effort that we will all be proud of.

Finally, with my leadership development, this week I limited my talking and focused on becoming a better leader.  This was something that challenged me tremendously but I know I can grow as a leader knowing the importance of listening and inquiry.  I still am struggling with encouragement for the team and getting everyone around the idea, but in general, I really feel myself growing more confident in my leadership abilities and ability to work as a team.

Week 6 in the books, and although the weather tried to put a damper on the week, it was by far the best week of the term so far.

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