It is Still Snowing

February 7, 2014

Week 5 turned out to be one of the hardest weeks of the term so far.  From beginning to end, I had tests, homework and quizzes that took up a majority of my time.  The start of the week began with a presentation in BA 352 which I feel went very well.  The two people in our group who struggle with public speaking did a great job stepping up and overall the presentation went smoothly and successfully.  I was very proud of our effort as a group during this presentation and our ideas and research worked out really well.

The most insightful part of the week for me was during Wednesday’s class when I acted as a bystander during a group discussion.  This was a situation I have never been placed in and one that I felt uncomfortable with at first.  However I realized the importance of taking a step back and saw how my group worked well together and what led to better discussions and progress.  I never realized how important inquiry was in discussions and how that ultimately leads to further progress.

Self Evaluation

Half way through the term, I feel like I have developed more as a leader in understanding the different personalities and people that are on a team.  I am starting to think for the betterment of the whole and work with each member to form a collective idea and decision going forward.  I feel like I am still a little too talkative within the group and one who advocates a lot for my ideas.  However, I drastically have improved on my ability to understand others through emotional intelligence leadership.  After reading and understand emotional intelligence, I have really tried to take my leadership style back a notch and think about the group, not just about what I think is best.

In general, I feel like I have provided some great insight into the group.  I always have ideas, opinions and attempt to facilitate conversations.  Granted, at times I probably talk too much, however I really make an attempt to allow for everyone’s opinions and not dominate the conversation.

There is no standard style of leadership however with all of the information and styles of leadership out there, I feel that I am starting to have a grasp on what mine really is.

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