Today I took a leadership assessment to evaluate my leadership style in regards to the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.  The test took a lot of careful evaluation before answering each question and after I had finished and saw my results, I realized that they were very accurate.  My results of the survey came out in this order:

1.     Enable others to act

2.     Inspire a Shared Vision

3      Model the Way

4      Encourage the Heart

5      Challenge the Process

After analyzing the results, I realized that my strengths reflect the top two categories of the leadership assessment.  I have always viewed myself as a team player and I have a very strong passion to inspire those around me and make them succeed as much as the team does, if not more.  I seldom make decisions without consulting those whom I am working with and these two ideas really reflect my leadership style as a whole.  Growing up around sports my entire life has really given me the characteristics of motivation and optimism, which has really helped me to bring everyone up and give people the confidence to accomplish their tasks and goals.

I was not surprised that “Challenge the Process” was lowest on the list because I am always uncomfortable with stepping outside my comfort zone and it takes time for me to challenge the normal way of doing things.  I try to avoid conflict and barriers instead of facing them straight on, and knowing this, it will be my main goal this term.  I need to learn to expand my horizons and challenge what is normal to create a greater solution than those visible to the naked eye.  It will be extremely difficult but the only way I can improve as a leader is by putting myself in uncomfortable situations that test my leadership abilities and personal character traits.

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