In the Moment Below is a series of photos featuring Arek Owell, who is currently a homeless man in Eugene, Oregon. Arek Owell 28, who is currently living on the streets of Eugene, OR is protesting against President Donald Trump’s decision to approve the Dakota Access Pipeline in front of Chase Bank. Arek Owell 28, holds up his middle finger while discussing the general view that people have towards the local homeless people. Owell said, “It’s sad that people can’t differentiate homeless who are mentally disabled or drug addicts compared to those who have just had life put them out.” Arek Owell 28, walks through the streets of Eugene OR, with all of his belongings. Owell said, “nine out of ten people will get denied access to homeless shelters in California.” This made him travel by foot from his hometown of Sacramento, CA to Eugene by foot. Arek Owell 28, is holding a book titled “The Human Zoo”. Owell shares ideas about how this book discusses that as a society we have lost compassion and the ability to look at someone without judging them. Arek Owell 28, and another local homeless man Silas Callahan Dunn 23, embrace as they discover that they are both protesting President Trump’s decision to approve the Dakota Pipeline Access. By: Brenan Joy