Thesis Preparatory Research


Works Cited “BBC Nature – Bioluminescence Videos, News and Facts.” BBC – Homepage. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. <>. BBC is a great resource for video clips and research about bioluminescence, which I plan to incorporate into my building designs. “Current … Continue reading

Geographic Context

These Google Earth Images show the larger geographical context in which I wish to respond. I hope to find ways to connect to the natural ecology and residential typology of the hillside leading into Hollywood.  Since the site is fairly … Continue reading

Night Life/Entertainment Amenities

This map displays the nightlife amenities in relative distance from site. It is clear that there are many amenities immediately surrounding the site, making it a viable place to establish a night club, entertainment museum, or housing. The map also … Continue reading


This map shows just how large the parking lots are and how they have spread throughout Hollywood Blvd. The areas dedicated to open parking lots greatly inhibit connectivity within the immediate community and result in asphalt deserts. If these parking … Continue reading

Rail Connections

In this simplified map of the Los Angeles metro line, it is clear that there are 3 stops within walking distance of the site. Most notably, the Hollywood/Vine metro station is located adjacent to the site which provides access to … Continue reading

Access to Major Freeways

The location of the site connects to many different highways and freeways as is reflected in the diagrammatic map shown above. This makes Hollywood a great site for EcoDistrict strategies of reducing vehicle miles traveled. With ease of access to … Continue reading

Walk of Fame

This map diagrams important intersections and building in reference to site location. As can be seen, the site is located along Hollywood Blvd adjacent to the historical Pantages Theater and high-end W Hotel. Continuing down the walk of fame only … Continue reading

Draft Thesis Statement

Hollywood, California has been the center for the film and entertainment industry since the 1930′s due to its idyllic climate. From the first broadcasts in sunny Southern California, the city has scintillated as a place where talented actors/actresses, musicians, and … Continue reading


Works Cited Department of City Planning. Web. 17 Oct. 2011. <>. The City of Los Angeles’ Department of Planning has adopted a new community development plan for the Hollywood district. The city website published a pdf document of over 200 … Continue reading

Thesis Site Selection

Appeal for a Site in the Los Angeles Area over Portland pilot EcoDistricts I love studying in Portland because it is such a beautiful city where EcoDistrict initiatives are already established. Portland in general has a great history of planning … Continue reading

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