South Waterfront – Site Research

Portland Park and Recreation’s Expectations

Greenway Development in the South Waterfront The Portland Park and Recreation utilized an opportunities and constraints analysis in 2004 to “identified several key locations for river access and water taxi docks.” ( Their conclusions were to call for the following … Continue reading

Portland Bureau of Planning’s Expectations for South Waterfront

Vision for the South Waterfront “The Neighborhood in the Year 2020… The South Waterfront District is a vibrant urban neighborhood. The area derives its character, identity and attractiveness from its exemplary riverfront and high quality open space system; its compact, … Continue reading

South Waterfront – Site Hazard Information

This map illustrates South Waterfront’s flood plain map. The solid light blue area represents the special flood hazard zone, while the striped dark blue zone represents the 1996 flood inundation area.   This map illustrates the hazardous areas with … Continue reading

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