Initially struggling with creating a well-defined program, I thought of multiple organizations that closely relate to the specific characteristics of the site, its challenges and my personal interests. Thinking of the whole project as an opportunity for further refining my design process and experimenting with new ideas, I will be focusing on creating a cultural exchange center that would serve the Lloyd District and the larger Portland area.
Portland Center for Cultural Exchange
The Mission:
The Portland Center for Cultural Exchange is an organization that closely collaborates with the citizens of Portland, public and private organizations and other governmental agencies to promote, create and maintain a culturally diverse community throughout the City of Portland by raising awareness regarding diversity issues, educating the public and providing opportunities for cultural exchange and interaction.
- Gather (public events)
- Meet (formally and informally)
- Educate (educational events and seminars, shows, galleries and exhibitions)
- Learn (most other activities result in a learning experience)
- Interact (interactive galleries, cultural market)
- Play (opportunities for informal interactions)
- Create (hands-on workshops)
- Exhibit (galleries and exhibition areas, cultural market)
- Present (formal and informal presentation opportunities)
- Perform (music and dance)
- Talk and listen (formal and informal interactions)
- Hang out (informal activities)
Character of the Place:
- Open and welcoming
- Active and vibrant
- Interactive and educational
Design Philosophy
- To study the relationship between biodiversity, adaptability of natural organisms to changing conditions of the environment and the idea of adaptive architecture that changes based on our needs, varying environmental conditions and time.
- To analyze the diverse ecosystem of a rain forest and the layer based system with organisms that adapt to the characteristics of each layer and to incorporate a similar idea to create dynamic and adaptive architecture and environments that support cultural diversity.
Design Goals:
- Vibrant and productive
- Environmentally responsible
- Accessible
- Functional
- Aesthetically pleasing
- Visually and physically connected to the surroundings
- Implements required safety and security measures
Program Needs:
Administrative Services
- lobby (meet)
- offices (organize)
- meeting rooms (discuss)
- kitchen
- restrooms
Educational Services
- library (hangout, read and learn)
- lecture hall (educate, learn)
- classrooms (educate, learn)
- hands-on workshops (learn and create)
- interactive children’s play area (see, play and learn)
- interactive youth activity area (see, play and learn)
Exhibitions and Galleries
- temporary exhibition spaces (exhibit handcrafts created at workshops)
- permanent galleries (art and culture with a focus on diversity)
- interactive exhibition spaces (see, interact and learn)
Performance Areas
- music (Indoor/ outdoor, music from different cultures)
- dance (Indoor/ outdoor, cultural dances)
Multi-Purpose Gathering Areas
- indoor/ outdoor gathering areas
- large/ small gathering areas
- greenscapes/ hardscapes/ plaza
- playground
Cultural Market
- indoor/ covered/ permanent market
- outdoor/ flexible/ seasonal market (sell/purchase handcrafts produce at the workshops)
Resource Generation and Mechanical
- mechanical room
- on-site water purification and treatment
- grey water recycling and reuse
- photovoltaic panels to generate electricity
Support Areas
- janitorial
- restrooms
- security