Winter Review Thoughts


The stronger components of this project at this point are the general plan and spatial organization. The building parti and cluster character has been developed over the course of the term and ideas of light quality in major spaces have begun to take form.  The sighting of building components have been carefully thought out and the relationship of building to site has brought up new potentials [particularly in section].


The major weakness of the project became the focus of the final review; that of the relationship of the urban and building scales. The current urban design and notions of eco-district concepts are fairly lacking and a vision of long term goals is missing. The project is also missing a clear definition of the specific site integration and building bounds. What is the immediate context? Perhaps most important is the lack of a strong biosynergies concept.  More thought needs to be given to ideas of the natural context, and biomimmetic potential.  Other than rough ideas about solar and wind orientation, the project is missing a connection to place.  Other areas for me to improve include a deeper understanding of the social context, user group experiences, and ideas about building construction and materiality.

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