June 6, 2013. The deadline of all deadlines. Posted below are links to my final presentation. The culmination of all of my hard work from the past 6+ months. After many sleepless nights it all came down to two presentations in front of various professionals and my peers. The presentations I feel went very well. Even the feedback was very helpful and supportive. Most of the comments made me wish I had an extra moth to design but it was nice to conclude my presentations with a strong end. The comments I received were mostly about my newest design concept. That of the idea of the building being wrapped in the fibers of the South Waterfront’s history The concept was very well received but it was defiantly left with wanting more out of them in order to make them more cohesive with the building and really pull the design together. Alas, it is finished It has been a long, fun and very insightful term. Below are some renderings photos of models and a link to the final board.
Thanks for reading.
Stay tuned.
UPDATE!!!! I have been having issues with issuu and the final boards can be find below: