Midterm-Green Building Emphasis

For our first midterm of the spring term we focused mainly on the structural, tectonic and sustainable aspects of our buildings.  I enjoyed this midterm a lot because I feel that exploring and experimenting with these concepts helps push my dream design into a reality.  Below are the key concepts of what makes my building more sustainable.  As I continue to push my concepts and ideas further I realize that there are still a lot of things that must be finalized before I continue to push onward.  The biggest obstacle standing in my way is the overall human experience of my tower.  It is something that I have wrestled with ever since day one of thesis prep class.  The challenge is to create spaces that promote positive human experiences that are similar to that of being in a suburban neighborhood and making them vertical, while at the same time creating an architectural language that is both simple and dynamic.  I received many positive comments about my tower design but I know it’s not perfect and must be tweaked further in order to satisfy my personal goals.  In order to achieve this I will look into a couple more simple yet dynamic designs for inspiration and then go back to modeling these spaces by hand and explore their artistic value.  By keeping in mind and incorporating the sustainable design principles that I have already explored in this past midterm I feel that this design evaluation won’t be a step back but more of a leap forward.  I am excited to see what I come up with and I hope you are as well.



Storm Water Collection & Bioswale


Vertical Parks


 Wind Harnessing

Dynamic Daylighting

Intensive Green Roofs

PDF File with more information:


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