April 23, 2013 – Spring Term
Right now I am looking at three categories: Structure, Sustainability and Stormwater and how they are currently being developed throughout the building.
The building is constructed with steel and concrete composite slabs. Perimeter columns and main spaces are framed using circular steel columns. All other secondary spaces are framed with concrete columns (locker rooms, interior spaces). The circular columns framed the exterior wall where circulation is located. Columns are set-back from windows to create definition to a the circulation spaces (hallways). Windows are tied-back to slabs which are supported to the column structure. The atrium space goes up through the entire height of the building opening up to a large roof span held in place with trusses, moment anchored columns and cable tension tie-backs. The roof creates shading from evening light, channels rain to bioswales lining the site as well as through the central atrium space, and gives the building a prominence it needs for its location. The angle of the roof shell adds elegance and character to the facility highlighting its role as an environmental response, creating definition to central spaces, and creating connections between users and viewers. Structural systems still need to be reviewed and discussed with experts to check over work.
Sustainability is one key element I am focusing on in the design of the facility. I am specifically focusing on biophilia as a space enhancing element. The idea reinforces the healthy mind, and body aspect of the gym. To provide not only the mechanics for a physically rigorous workout, but to allow for healthy visual connections and feelings when moving through the facility. The main biophilic space is the main atrium. Here there will be trees lining the space with a stair-step cascading water capture area lining the main stair/seating area. During the rain water will move through the planters keeping the plants healthy while providing enjoyable foliage and vegetation for the users to be surrounded by. Sketches and visual of this are to come.
Other sustainable components I am looking at are incorporating living machines for block by block carbon capture. Living machines will be located in the central courtyard of each block and provide an elegant, enjoyable promenade down to the water front. As mentioned, bioswales will capture onsite rain runoff for filtration and gray-water use in the facility.
Kinetic capturing devices will be installed on the cardio equipment and placed through the outdoor plaza across the street to engage users. The walk through the plaza can be long so having kinetic pads placed in the most highly used locations and bring user enjoyment, and educational engagement.
Lastly, I just started looking into a turbine I could possibly use to capture the summer prevailing winds as a means to generate energy. Two different portions of my track are exposed to the outside of my facility and allows for the opportunity to house this turbine. It is spherical is shape and would spin around the exposed walk/run way which people passed through it. The mechanics of the system are anchored to the external frame so the fins can capture the moving wind. Which the conceptual idea sounds great, the space may not allow it and the scope and mechanics of the idea may to be too much to sort out given the time.
Moving Forward
As I move forward and prepare my final documents, I am focusing on really solidifying a structural plan and a floor plan of my spaces. Given the size of my facility, and the location of my program, it has been difficult to really nail a design which does the location and thesis idea justice. I have been through many iterations and feel I have final reach my ending design iteration. Between my reviews and research, I will develop out the existing scheme with plans, section and renders. By mid week I will have working plans and sections of my facility. Renders will be in their beginning stages but will also begin along with hand renders of experiential snippets.
I will need to determine the exact materialistic qualities of the roof form so it is also responding to environmental context and building needs. With the roof I will need to determine a program to use so the roof can be rendered and used in section renders. I may see if there a way to do this in Sketchup, otherwise I may have to attempt it in Rhino. This is something I will look into early next week.
This weekend I will be making my tectonic model and generating final plans, sections and a render for Monday’s review. By monday I must also have a working enclosure detail so this is also something I must put together.