Winter Final Review

This Wednesday’s review went very well.  One of the reviewers told me that I had made significant progress with the urban design of the Lloyd District and believes the direction taken was very interesting.  It has taken me a very long time to get to this point in the design process and I was very happy to find that the reviewers were able to see the amount of work and effort it took to get the present design.  For this new urban design, I found that I needed to break the lot into smaller understandable blocks and integrate nature within the design, as seen in the diagram above.

At this point, I have mostly designed the public market podium portion of my building and have been told that I have some really good ideas that should also be implemented in my tower.  My next steps would be to design the tower and figure how it integrates with the public market/green corridor.

Below I have attached a little video of my terminal thesis project.

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