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Winter Review Thoughts

Strengths The stronger components of this project at this point are the general plan and spatial organization. The building parti and cluster character has been developed over the course of the term and ideas of light quality in major spaces have begun to take form.  The sighting of building components have been carefully thought out […]

Video Post 10 | 10

Please see the attached web address to watch the on-line video capture of my work. This is a reflection of my brainstorming and studies up to the ending of the second term.

Winter Term Thesis Video Preview

The below link is a work in progress video explaining the process of my design and how I got from point A to point B.  I tried to keep a similar color palette to that of my design presentations and then make it as minimal as possible.  That meaning no use of words or explanation.  I wanted the slides […]


Thesis Midterm Final (Third Pass)

Taking what I had learned from my previous two iterations, I took a step back to the drawing board to assess where I had essentially gone wrong. It took me quite a while to come to grips with the notion that I might end up with a long “bar” of a building as my final […]

Second Pass

For my second iteration I completely embraced the Zidell masterplan and proceeded to let it play a key role in building organization and massing. With the intention of creating a more welcoming approach/entry I decided to have the main atrium just off the intersecting street. The entire first floor became public exhibit/event space or retail […]

First Pass

Taking into account some of the implications of the masterplan, I dove straight into re-purposing the existing structure. There were a couple of ideas for the school element that have stuck with me throughout the term: The idea of the “Learning Street” which connects all areas of learning activity and in this case would serve as the […]

Zidell Yards

The remaining Zidell property covers a large portion of the South Waterfront between the Collaborative Life Sciences Building and the Center for Health and Healing adjacent to the Portland Aerial Tram.           The Zidell masterplan envisions a lively South Waterfront community  with a multitude of different program usages and a welcome […]

Final Review… for this term.

On Wednesday we had the opportunity to receive feedback on our schematic site and building designs. In trying to integrate some of the feedback from the previous pin-ups, some ideas were strengthened, while others were pruned back. Site Design We … Continue reading

Midterm Pin-up

Site design For this midterm Dave and I debuted our attempts at urban planning for our site at 92nd and Harold. We conceived of this scheme as a way to connect the bike path and multi-modal commuter traffic to quieter … Continue reading

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