Scheming Review 8 | 10

Friday Jan. 28th – 3 scheme review

We just pinned-up for a preliminary scheme review. The goal was to have this help us develop a direction to progress for the term. Three concept ideas were outlined for the pin-up. My three ideas were investigated based on my studies of the phasing of four steps to my site and Lower Albina district.  Active streets were proposed as a result of investigations and influence within the overall design strategy. The proposal I am making to the urban context, is to instate a pedestrian/bike connection along the Clackamas street to the Rose Quarter. This can be found in some urban plan proposals. It seems a crucial element to develop better connections between it and the rest of the Lloyd District for ease of access and potential for stimulation of activity.

A few of the elements which are in their preliminary stages of investigation are: 1) ecological considerations and environmentally regulating features such as living machines, bioswales and pavers for on-site regulation of waste streams, 2) green belt connections, 3) outdoor interactive elements and landscaping features, 4) which blocks are active areas, and 5) how existing and proposed programmatic elements play off one another to create a more enjoyable, successful space.

In my urban phasing plan I propose a connection between the Rose Quarter and Llower Albina. While the pedestrian bridge along Clackamas will create better ties to the rest of the Lloyd District, the phasing identifies strong ties to Llower Albina. The vision is to strengthen ties between Albine and the Rose to create an active hub between the two areas. My phasing plans can be seen below in the documents:

urban map
phasing 1, 2
phasing 3,4
scheme 1
scheme 2
scheme 3
photo 2(71)
photo 3(56)


Scheme 1pedestrian streets – strengthen the pedestrian routes. Proposed pedestrian routes are shown in red in the diagrams. Other components of the design place retail along pedestrian streets to create activity in these zones. Landscaping of the open plaza in front of the Veterans Memorial links the two spaces strengthening the connection. They key also highlights potential locations for Kinetic Energy capture to the frequently used plaza scape and max-line areas. Section cuts give preliminary program placement ideas.

Scheme 2: fingers and zones – this scheme plays with the health facility in the south east corner and the housing and fitness facility in the north east site. With the placement of supporting services in both areas, two strong zones are created. In this scheme I explore the idea of stimulating the inner portions of zones similar to the PSU blocks highlighting internal activity. I also explore with the potential of creating a more circumvent focus to the retail in which the exteriors of the blocks are invigorated allowing for the opportunity to reach out to surrounding sites. This idea behind the second idea is it could help spur development to surrounding streets. Below is a general idea massing on the location of program elements.

Scheme 3: invigorate the surrounding streets (3) – This was the last scheme I developed. It focuses on invigorating the main streets. Those being: Broadway, Interstate Ave and the Clackamas Street connection. Please see the attached document for ideas behind this scheme.

Review panel comments:

James Pettinari: Could it be part of a larger health circuit that extends to Widmer Brewery near Albina and Interstate, White Eagle Inn, North Portland needs more interior rainy day recreation.

Ben Ngan:  Put housing near river at the bend of the river – very prominent, great views. High end, businesses on Broadway – busier.   Light rail and I-5 will always be coming through.  Could move cars out of the area.  Veterans Memorial was originally moved from the Park Blocks near the Art Museum to its current location at the Veterans Memorial so you may be able to move it again especially if it’s another location on the same site. Could just state that it in your proposal, but not sure otherwise the regulations behind that.

Zeljka Carol Kekez:  Specific purpose oriented destination.  Need frequent visits, reason to stay. Make sure to think of this component as well since the existing programs are already specific purpose oriented.

Katrina Shum-Miller: Add sports-related and educational places, use the bend in the river.  Sports medicine, sports management, short-term visitors get a week of training and stay at a hotel.

Sebastian Giverneau:  triangle has definite edges and forces, less complex and messy than broadway side.

Access – Space for drop-off crucial.

Despite excellent transit service, many people drive to the Lloyd.

Progress direction

– Readings and research on successful landscaped areas

– consult with a landscape architect

– trace studies and drawing on how to landscape my area

– types of designs for new Veterans Memorial scape

– make contact and set up meeting with key planing member of Veterans Memorial to clarify some questions

– Study the streets with trace for new-route proposals

– do scheming and perspective of how this might feel

– material of fitness center and health clinic for construction detail assignment due Friday

– finish working on Vasari environmental modeling

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