Precedent Visit Photos
I traveled to Vancouver British Columbia, and spent quite a bit of time at the Granville Island Public Market.
Reflecting on the Last Assignment
When I look back at the assignment, I am happy with what I created, but I am not sure if the forms will be completely appropriate for my project. I am pleased with the overall concept, but I maybe took the idea of bio-mimetic design to specifically using a single organism. I chose an organism […]
Organism Inspiration
organism inspiration
Quick experiment with fork….
Inspiration for this quick experiment was root supporting system of mangroves.
Rvised booklet…. but not yet final
Revised Booklet
Interlocking & Flexibility
The way a spinal cord and rib cage uses bone members to intersect in rigid connections is inspiring in terms of structural design. This concept could indicate how the connections of the buildings become rigid interlocking pieces, but are flexible in the spaces they create. The separation of the linear pieces could also prove to […]
Exploring Structure Through The Human Spine
My first idea in finding inspiration through biomimicry was looking at the grapevine canopy and how the way the leaves and twines are weaved together and how that could create a skin for the building that would filter light in an interesting way. This could also bring about ideas for a passive solar building, but […]
Exploring how forks can interact has brought about an idea of what the building structure could be like. The potential for these rigid pieces to interweave and create interesting patterns of light is something I would like to explore further in order to create a building skin that would wrap around the multiple structures on […]