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Assignment – 7: Precedents

For our seventh assignment we were commissioned to find three precedents that related to our building in programatic and aesthetic ways.  I decided to go with the JNC Community Arts Center, the Tempe Center of the Arts and the Oslo Opera House.  They all tell a lot about how to be successful in creating a vibrant space that fosters cultural growth and more importantly art.  I diagrammed them each in a simple way […]

Oregon College of Art and Craft

  OCAC started out as an artist’s colony and grew into an art school over time. But after years of respectful dormancy, OCAC is coming alive as craft itself has become newly relevant in contemporary culture.  


As the program for my thesis project is developing into an mixed use building that will celebrate the cycle of food, from growing to consumption to soil renewal, I’ve found inspiration in a building in Chicago called The Plant. It is a building seeking to do much of the same thing, combining aquaponics (a closed […]

Development and Deployment – Turning Passion into Product

Today’s passion-driven hobbyists breed many of tomorrow’s small businesses. Stemming from the “Maker” movement, and enabled by technology, industrious hobbyists are leading a new generation of entrepreneurs who sit at the confluence of technological, economic, and societal trends. By all … Continue reading

Thesis Process – Version 2

Click on image to open a PDF with more current data gathering/thesis statement/precedent studies.

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