This past week I spent time reading over some articles about EcoDistricts, the Lloyd District master plans proposal, and other related journal articles. Following are some of these sources I have come across organized in an annotated bibliographic format. My next steps for research will be looking more closely at potential sites within the Lloyd District area for program location. I will also need to start assessing possible programs through a HECTTAES Matrix review as touched on in the Programming class.
Initial Construction of Annotated Bibliography:
Mazziotti, Donald. Lloyd District Development Strategy. Portland Development Commission. July 27, 2001.
A detailed overview of the developments strategy to the Lloyd district specifically. This article does a great job laying out a detailed account of the varying topics which structure the decisions for a Lloyd EcoDistrict. Areas of detail are: Lloyd district strategies; economic position; urban design; development opportunities; strategy implementation; and supporting documentation. Each of the previous chapters has sub categories further breaking down the area for clarity and comprehensive understanding of the idea.
2) Portland Sustainability Institute. The EcoDistricts Framework. Building Blocks of Sustainable Cities. Version 1.2. April 2012.
This article goes over the components which make up an EcoDistrict. It looks at how to strategise as a means to accelerate progress towards a working EcoDistrict. Facets of detail include 1. District Organization; 2. District Assessment; 3. Project Feasibility; 4. Project Development and 5. District Monitoring. Further it includes side-note captions discussion facts on how EcoDistricts are pertinent to different groups of business, such as: Municipalities, Utilities, Developers, Businesses, Neighbors. This article also has a number of nice diagrams denoting frameworks for designing an EcoDistrict.
3) Portland Sustainability Institute. The EcoDistricts ToolKit: Assessment. Prioritizing Projects in an EcoDistrict. volume 1.2. April 2012.
Topics covered in this reading include eight different components which make up a successful EcoDistrict and specifically what they contribute to the whole. A performance plus feasibility matrix is also outlined and may be of use to my project if I see fit. Appendicies outline example projects, matricies, and comparisons of implemented districts to success measurements. Within this tool kit includes the diagrammatic breakdown for pre-ecodistrcit design which includes: 1. Define the Project, 2. Set goals, 3. Refine Project Palette, and 4. Determine Priorty Project within the project.
4) Portland Sustainability Institute. The EcoDistricts ToolKit: Action Guide. How to Create an EcoDistrict. volume 1.2. April 2012.
The Action Guide EcoDistrict article discuses the phases to take when planning to establish an ecodistrict. Phases that are discussed in detail are, in order: District Organization; District Assessment; Project Feasibility; Project Development; District Monitoring. After an overview discussion of the key components within these 5 areas, bullet points are given which highlight key areas of opportunities for municipalities as a result of a successful EcoDistrict.
5) Selzter, Ethan. Making EcoDistrict: Concepts and Methods for Advancing Sustainability in Neighborhoods. September 2010.
Making EcoDistricts discusses just that – how to make an EcoDistrict. For discussion of this broad topic, the article breaks down topics into four main chapters, which cover the four main components of this idea. These chapters discussions cover: 1. Civic Ecology; 2. Accountability, Behavior, and Learning; 3. The Governance of Portland’s EcoDistricts as it relates to PoSI; 4. Measuring the Meaning relating to the Data of Place, Perspective and practice. Many diagrams are used to represent an idea along with extensive discussion within each chapter.
6) Jain, Arun and Todd Johnson. Urban Design Assessment: Central Portland Plan. City of Portland Bureau of Planning. January 2008.
This article covered two major topics: 1. the central city today and 2. historic plans and relevant precedents. In the first topic areas which are touched on include: 1. existing conditions of the city; 2. evolving areas of the city such as parks, downtown, river district and other areas; 3. focus issues including heights and skylines. The second major topic is the Historic Plans which cover: 1. portlands great historic plan; 2. historic and contemporary case studies like: Glasglow, UK, Edinburgh, UK and Philadeplphia, US; 3. contemporary case studies such as portland, OR.
7) Portland Sustainability Institute. Pilot Report: Lloyd EcoDistrict Development. June 2011.
Pilot Report focuses on the establishment of the Lloyd district as an Eco Center. It goes over the Organization of its structure, distric assessments, project feasibilities, project developments, monitoring and a summary of the work. This article is nice it that it is a quick summary of what some of the other article draw out in more detail. There are also some nice diagrams and graphical represenatitions showm in this article.
8) Design Center City. Volume 1. Chapters 4-5. July 2010. 61-73.
With ample pictoral representations, disgrams and explenations, chapter four covers some of the tools necessary for smart urban design strategies. The topics covered focus on 1. street plans and standards, 2. public financing, 3. Exploring New Urban design Tools. Chapter five gives Recommendations for the city planning process. These key findings include discussions about how every city is unique and rules need to be assessed individually towards each case. Further discusssion is targeted specifically toward the Waterfront district as a case study.